When it comes to my family I am the fashion queen; trust me. First there is my mom who I think is color blind. She argues that something is red, but obviously pink. Then she will ask me if the pants are blue or black. If I tell her they are black she will disagree and tell me they are blue. Sometimes I wonder why she even asks me. The funniest part is when she wears blue pants then puts on black shoes and says, "I am wearing blue from top to bottom." Don't get me wrong; there is nothing bad about blue pants and black shoes, except for when you want to wear all blue. Strangely, she picks out all of my clothes, so she must have good style.
Next is my brother Thomas, a high school senior who should not leave the house before having a second opinion on what he is wearing. When he is looking his best, it is because he has come to me for advice, asking, "Does this match? What shoes should I wear with this?" If it wasn't for me, half the time he would be leaving the house with an orange shirt and green shoes. He oddly picks out the smallest detail, a green speck, and then wears green shoes to match. I wonder about him sometimes. If it is his daily attire to school or picking out a pair of sunglasses, he needs to come to me first. He wears "sprinter" glasses, which are hideous, but he wears them all the time. They are similar to the glasses you see bikers wear, but my brother wears them thinking he is cool, which equals a fashion "no-no."
Last but not least is me. Maybe I am not a fashion goddess but I can easily fix up a great outfit. Usually I try and match my shoes to my top. I'm possibly a shoe fanatic; when all else fails while getting a dress, I make sure that I have a cute pair of shoes on. Some people think I have a different pair of shoes for every outfit, but I find a way to camouflage. The trick is to wear a really cute outfit with a pair of shoes you just wore since the main focus is on your clothing. When you don't care what you have on, wear a cute pair of shoes, so the main focus is on the shoes instead of your outfit. I have to admit my biggest fashion mistake was when I wore blue sweats with black shoes to a track meet. Although they were cute, my coach informed me that I was violating a rule and told me to never let it happen again.