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Jeanne Hanigan

Founder of Write Society, teacher of English, Journalism, and Advanced Placement Composition and, most importantly, loving wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend

Amity Preston

Right-hand technical guru and gifted website designer, Amity enjoys prose as well as programming.

Erik Emery Hanberg

He regularly covers Tacoma, Washington: the arts, urban issues, transit and the environment, with lots of travel writing

Serena Dawn

Write Society's youngest contributor so far, Serena has traveled extensively in her pre-teen years. Her most recent six-month jaunt included Australia, New Zealand, and Thailand.

Marjorie Wallace

Marjorie Wallace is a mother of four in private parenting practice. She has been dubbed "the Erma Bombeck of our Generation." Wallace also writes poetry, and is currently working on her first book.

JJ 9/9

Our semi-anonymous writer is a youth football coach, a rabid sports fan, and excellent water cooler conversationalist.

Brandon Kebba

Brandon Kebba is currently a high school student, a multi-sport athlete, and an all-around nice guy.

Matt Holroyd

Matt Holroyd has dabbled in creative and editorial writing; however, he spends less time editing his articles than he does attempting to polarize his audience.

Emily Bowman

Emily Bowman loves to write and dance... a weird combination but they are both fun things to do. She also believes that writing is just like dance; when you write and when you dance, you learn as you go.

Jack Nettleton

Jack Nettleton is a family man, accomplished college student, member of the newspaper staff, and an athlete with a busy social life. Oh, and he can write pretty well too.

Anna Comfort

Anna Comfort enjoys a variety of activities, including golf, baking, and writing. She is currently a student at Gonzaga.

Joshua Hanigan

Joshua Hanigan is a true Renaissance figure at age 10, excelling at reading, writing, and any competitive sport,including chess.

Joshua Isaac

Joshua Isaac is a gifted writer and debut documentary director. His blog chronicles his battle with epithelioid sarcoma. Isaac is married with three children.

Mónica Byrne-Jiménez, Ed. D.

Mónica Byrne-Jiménez, Ed. D., is an assistant professor in educational leadership at Hofstra University. After working in several urban public school settings and in school/district improvement efforts, she received her doctorate from Teachers College.

Caroline Baer

Book-crazy and animal-loving, Caroline Baer likes to use her ample energy in running cross-country, studying like mad, and writing whatever comes to mind.

Rachel Iacobazzi Riecan

Rachel Iacobazzi Riecan is a massage therapist who loves to increase knowledge about her lovely craft. She enjoys learning about all aspects of health and sharing with others. She is married to her husband, Dustin, and currently lives and practices in University Place.

Lauren McCabe

Lauren McCabe is a driven young woman with the world ahead of her.

Nick Burrill

Nick Burrill enjoys skiing, soccer, and writing. Strongly opinionated, he tends to alienate his readers more often than not.

Kelsey Hallahan

An avid reader, Kelsey Hallahan became enamored with the written word (in any language) at a young age. She is currently a student at University of Washington

Ashutosh Gupta

I am from India residing in a city of Ghaziabad, currently pursuing my graduation in Bachelor of Technology. I like to pen down my subconscious reflections. I like to get poetic with my work. Social ills and issues generally catch my eyeballs.


SRC is a 13 year old with a fascinating imagination. She is an incessant reader who loves an author that writes in vivid images and descriptive pictures and certainly likes to emulate that quality in her own writing. Still, she enjoys being a 13 year old girl who plays sports and has fun at school with her friends.